The MAE-WS weight
sorter machine at ZM Automation rapidly sorts battery and battery
plates by weight into accept and reject categories.
The MAE-WS weight
sorter machine at ZM Automation combines four of ZM Automation
International sorting modules to achieve its significantly higher sorting rate
of 10,000 per hour period.
The MAE-WS weight sorter machine single bulk hopper's high capacity
of 150 litres ensures it can operate completely unattended for long periods of
time, freeing up your operators for other tasks.
More information,
just feel free to email me at and talk to our
world-class engineers to get your tailored solution.
Higher Sorting Rates: 10,000 per
No change parts required
Single bulk hopper: 150 Liters
User selectable +/- 2mg or +/- 1mg
Handles many shapes and sizes
Compact footprint
Sorts both battery and battery
portable, easy parking
maintenance free
24 hour operation